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Launched recently in the Blackberry app store, Facebook users of the device can now update the app that launched with new features. The Facebook update, v10.2.1, adds Facebook chat, enhanced messaging details, quicker scrolling and an enhanced photo experience. Users will be able to experience a

Content is one of the most essential components for a website. Content marketing allows small brands to large, multi-million dollar corporates convey their information to their target audience, entice them with rich information and allows both to build a relationship. Content itself is a story

DAAT is the one and only digital advertising association in Thailand. Syndacast is now officially a member of the association and listed with other well-known agencies such as Ogilvy and Dentsu Media. What is it all about? Digital advertising has been growing very quickly and for

Social Media is something we use every day since Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and tumblr have been successfully integrated into smartphone devices. Every day we check our smart devices for the latest news and updates, liking and sharing the news piece. What does this have to do

Wondering what are the top 3 digital marketing trends happening this year (2013)? Quite a lot as a matter of fact which is no surprise when it comes to the online world where the pace is fast and environment volatile. It’s nevertheless important for business

Adblock Plus, as many consumers are aware is an ‘add-on’ developed to block ads on a website. The extension can be downloaded in browsers such as Firefox, Chrome and Opera. In addition, the service is extended onto Android devices for an improved and hassle-free internet

Ad:Tech is a huge digital marketing event that happens yearly around the globe. Syndacast received a tremendous welcome last week at ad:tech Singapore 2013, Asia’s leading digital marketing event. It was the first time Syndacast had exhibited at the show – and we’d like to

  Syndacast as it is today is made up of individuals of diverse talents from around the world working together to deliver excellent results. I believe the company has a tremendous potential to continuously reinvent itself in order to successfully take on the various challenges put

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