[Infographic] Online Marketing Thailand: The State of Social Media
Wondering how does 2015 look on the social-sphere? Here’s a run-through of the state of social media in Thailand based on an infographic by the DAAT (Digital Advertising Association of Thailand). Social Media Subscribers in Thailand Facebook is in the lead with 30 million subscribers, followed by
Leveraging User-Generated Content: A Case Study of Brands
There is no question that eye-catching and interesting content is becoming more important and will continue to be so for many years to come. Why? As consumers become more accustomed to marketing materials, and could easily spot one right away, content created solely for marketing
[Infographic] 2015 Digital Marketing Trends – What Opportunities Lie Ahead
Mobile has been in limelight as the next big thing for the past few years. And to a certain extend, it more or less has. Fact is, the mobile marketing umbrella is huge! From geo-targeting to in-app advertisements, responsive designs and the list goes on.
Mobile Optimization Ready to Go in 2015
Over the course of 2014, many trends have carried over from 2013's predictions and have since evolved to accommodate the fast-paced rate of digital marketing trends. Trends such as social media marketing, mobile marketing, and content marketing were the big winners of 2014. Continuing on through the
[Infographic] Retargeting: The 7 Must-Know Facts
Ever wonder if you should invest in retargeting ads? Perhaps considered allocating your marketing budget to test retargeting? Here are 7 stats that shows just how powerful banner retargeting is and why it's the next big thing in online advertising. The key statistics/take away from this
Google Launches Mobile-Friendly Labels in Search Results
Moving into the year 2015, we now have even more reason to create more mobile friend websites. Google has been testing how to display 'mobile-friendly' and 'not mobile-friendly' icons during the past few month But from their latest post, it seems they are not going with an icon
[Infographic] Influencer Marketing 2015
Influencer marketing is a powerful marketing strategy; one that online marketers who take a more holistic view of brands and products recommend. In many cases, influence marketing is part of a larger content marketing strategy. Here below is an infographic for a quick 10 minutes
Emojis Officially a Search Term!
Bing has just made it possible for search users to use Emojis (smileys) as search terms! Is that possible? Yes it is and you can check how it works on Bing already. On October 27, 2014, this officially became possible. According to the company: "With the explosion of
Google Voice Search Users and How They Use it
Did you know you can search Google using your voice? For some it might be something new but for some its old news. This function was introduced back in June 2011 and only is supported in Google Chrome. Here's a quick video on how to
21 Interesting Facts About the Internet
2014 marks the year where the Web officially turns 25 years old. To be more exact, August 19 is the day that inventor of the World Wide Web Tim Berners-Lee released the code of the WWW to the public. We decided to draw up an
Why Using a Holistic SEO Approach is Key in 2015
(Image Cr: madglory.com) Before we begin, let's take a closer look at each individual term means and what it means. SEO - Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search
Digital Matters#7: Syndacast on Mobile Marketing 2014
On 16 October 2014, Syndacast's team joined thumbsup Digital Matters event #7 at LaunchPad Bangkok. Along with other experts and digital gurus, Patrick Lozare and Chalit Theerachitkul from Syndacast shares with event participants insights on "Mobile Marketing: The Next Gen with Real Time Bidding and
Content Marketing: Under the Microscope
We’re almost at the end of 2014 and content marketing is as strong as ever. Trends suggest that content marketing will gain more importance as we move into 2015. In this article, we’re going to go back in time a bit to the very beginning
Digital Summit: Online Solutions for Hotels Event Recap
On October 1, 2014, Syndacast held a digital workshop/seminar at the Amari Pattaya, focusing on the implementation of digital marketing in the hospitality niche. The seminar was lead by Wolfgang Jaegel, Doy Moreau, Oliver Wilke and other speakers from the company. The Digital Summit: Online Solutions for
Digital Summit: Online Solutions for Hotels 2014 Event
On October 1st, 2014 Syndacast will hold an event, Digital Summit: Online Solutions for Hotels 2014 at the Amari Ocean Pattaya. The event is focused on Hotel and Hospitality sectors, focusing on the effective use of digital media in the respective niche. The event will host several interactive workshops and Q&A
Page Blocks and Increased Importance of Link Distribution
We all know Google get's smarter and smarter by the second. Doing a quick search on LinkedIn for keyword 'engineer' and company 'Google' gives you an approximate employee count of 23,814. This is not the exact number of employees but just a fun estimate using the
The Social Media Algorithm
Isn't it almost always the case that when we refer to the term ‘algorithm’ in digital marketing context, we’re thinking search engines? This is because search is so important for our brand’s organic visibility. However, with increasing emphasis on Social Media as a powerful online
Online Travel Marketing Statistics 2014
Image Credit: travelblat.com Comscore-run recently did a studying showing the various statistics all related to traveling and the devices customers usually use to book or makes plans for their next vacation. If you considering a marketing plan for year 2015, here are some information you might
Innovative Ways to Create Content that Matters
Let’s play a game: In the next 10 seconds, think of your next thought-leadership topic. Get set… Go! Stuck? Don't worry, that’s expected. As with any writer, coming up with new things to write is challenging considering if you have deadlines or quotas to achieve. It’s
Video Marketing Statistics & Trends 2015
With video becoming increasingly more popular and together with enhanced analytics, its important that marketers either continue or start to engage with their customers through this channel. Developing presence through videos that are both useful and creative for consumers and capitalize on the power of
Do You Know ZMOT? You Should.
ZMOT which stands for “Zero Moment of Truth” is more than just a buzzword, it is a theory coined by Google which has been around for a few years. In marketing world, there are a lot of theories and concepts, some of the common ones
Google Rolled Out Update this July 2014. Codename: Pigeon
Google recently rolled out another update. While many of us might have thought we'd experience a certain calmness before the next storm after the Hummingbird surprise, we are met with a new update. Google's latest release, which we are referring to as Pigeon was recently
Digital Marketers Guide to Seducing the Millennials
What are Millennials? You’ve probably heard this term many times but you’re unable to place a finger on it (without cross-referencing to Google). Millennials are people who are born in the early 1980’s to 2000 and are between the ages of 18-34. As digital marketing
2015 is About Optimizing for the Small Screen
If you’re reading this article on your mobile right now, try this quick exercise: Lock your mobile phone up and give the key to a friend with instructions not to give you the key back no matter what, until 24 hours have gone by. Are
The 4 Fundamentals of Content Marketing
Content marketing is booming. Content marketing has been for years one of the most actively sought out forms of marketing in the world. It allows brands to personally connect with their audiences. With the availability and accessibility of social media platforms, starting a trend or
Syndacast Welcome Delegates from Thai-China International Mobile Application and Game Conference
On July 4th 2014, Syndacast is selected by Market Enabling Division, Ministry of Science and Technology, National Science and Technology Development Agency of Thailand to welcome delegates from Thai-China International Mobile Application and Game Conference. Delegates are invited by China-ASEAN Technology Transfer Center (CATTC), China-ASEAN Mobile
The Great 2014 Milestone: Mobile Internet Use Exceeds Desktop Browsing
This 2014 marks a huge milestone whereby Internet use via mobile devices has finally exceeded desktop browsing. For the past few years, ever since Internet browsing via mobile devices became possible through data services, we finally see the great mobile shift happen. This may not yet be
8 Best Practices for A High Converting Landing Page
A landing page is all about a clean website and presenting itself on a professional (or semi-professional) levels. There are many types of landing pages around and they all share the same concept: All landing pages are designed to help the user find what they're
Understanding the Principles of Native Advertising
You may come across the term 'Native Advertising' and you may wonder what it is. Is it another form of advertising? What does it have to do with me? Native advertising is a type of advertising that is growing in size and numbers and it's
8 Must-Haves for Every E-Commerce Website
There's a lot of thought that needs to go into every e-commerce website with the ultimate goal being to generate more sales and leads but there are some simply must-haves no e-commerce sites should go without. What are they? #1 Faster Load Time 40% of average online
7 PPC Must-Dos
PPC (pay-per-click) has been around for a long while but to say that it’s just ‘paid ads’ is erroneous and a huge understatement. Although, you do pay for every click that happens on your ad in the search engine’s result page, there is so much
2014 Social Media Numbers – A Mid-Year Review
Facebook continues to be in the lead at 1.5 billion active monthly users. Google+ is in 2nd place and rapidly catching up at 343 million active monthly users. Google+ is not just another social media. Think demographic and location data. The platform is a player in the
Syndacast’s Digital Marketing Team SEA Welcomes New Members!
This first half of June 2014, we extend a warm welcome to new members who have recently joined the team at our Bangkok office. Khun Nicha Trongtorsak joins Syndacast as Head of Design. With fifteen years of experience in design and content creatives, it is a
Content Strategy or Digital Strategy Comes First?
I recently came across this question posted by a fellow online marketer; which is actually a really good question: "Which do you think comes first? The content strategy or the digital strategy?" Here's what someone who works at a Digital Marketing Company in Asia might say:
Trends Digital Marketers Must Know in 2014 for Southeast Asia
If you are looking to advance your business or online campaign in Southeast Asia, here are some important statistical data you just might want to learn about before you start. We have broken the infographic down into 5 different sections so you can easily grasp
The Rise of The Chief Marketing Technologist [INFOGRAPHIC]
What makes a business thrive? What makes the gear in people's heads go round and round? Who devises strategies behind the scenes, implements them and it works without a hitch? The answer: The Chief Marketing Technologist Officer (CMTO). What is a "Chief Marketing Technologist Officer"? A
7 Easily Avoidable Digital Marketing Blind Spots
Does this sound familiar? You begin discussing online marketing with a friend and then you branch off into SEM, SEO, social media strategies and what not. Suddenly, you find yourself going into the nitty gritty details of each online marketing 'school' such as how exactly