Ready for Cyber Monday?
Cyber Monday’s just around the corner this December 2, 2013. Are you ready for it? Cyber Monday is the Monday right after Thanks giving when online spending is said to jump to as high as 25%. In Europe, this day is more commonly termed as Mega Monday. Nevertheless, if you’re in some sort of online business, this is a day not to be missed.
If you’re planning on promotions and some special offer, don’t forget to optimize for mobile as well. Keep in mind that this day is not only about promotions, but make sure your website will be online and is error free or you’d be missing out on sales.
Preparation tips for Cyber Monday:
– Ensure a recent backup of your website is available
– Get a parallel server running just incase
– Make sure your server has the capacity to take on high load and user requests
– Run a full test of your website to make sure it’s error free (especially the payment process)
– Make sure your subscribers remember your website amidst all the excitement and send an e-newsletter 1 day beforehand
– Don’t forget to optimize for mobile as well
And if you haven’t started preparing, better late than never. At least get your technical checklist done if you’re behind on coming up with a promotion strategy.
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